Conor Regin

Account Executive

LinkedIn Profile

Conor Regin, Account Executive at e4b, has learned that listening to a client’s needs and delivering them exactly what they want is what has made him successful in the industry. Building relationships through trust, honesty, and quick responses has proven to clients that Conor and e4b are the right fit for the job.

Client’s love working with Conor because of his open communication and his visualization of space design which helps them utilize and maximize the office space they have. He does this by using e4b’s broad line of furniture manufacturers to find the best product line while maintaining quality, functionality, and cost-effectiveness.

Conor has over 10 years of experience in the industry and specializes in commercial, education, and healthcare. He has furnished hundreds of corporate offices in his career. He has a BA in Business Marketing from Le Moyne College which he earned while also playing lacrosse. Balancing academics and lacrosse allowed him to develop his time management skills and build his incredible work ethic at an early age and he has carried both of these skills into his professional life.